Tour Information
Breath of history, where nature lives!
Even Cheongnamdae contains happiness.
Individuals Using Cars or Public Transportations
Individual visitors to Cheongnamdae
- 1. When you arrive at the ticket office of Cheongnamdae (after parking your car ),
- 2. Purchase admission tickets and bus tickets,
- 3. Get on the bus for Cheongnamdae and enter (It takes 13 ㎞/15 minutes)
- Cheongwon~Sangju Expressway Munui IC > Cheongnamdae Ticket Office(1.3 ㎞/5 minutes required)
- Gyeongbu Expressway Cheongwon IC > Cheoksan Samgeori > Cheongnamdae Ticket Office(14 ㎞ /20 minutes required)
- Gyeongbu Expressway Sintanjin IC > Daecheongdam > Cheongnamdae Ticket Office(30 minutes required)
- Cheongju Intercity (Express) Bus Terminal > (Intracity bus 311) > inquire more (50 minutes required)
- Cheongju Airport (Car) > Jungbu Expressway > Gyeongbu Expressway(Cheongwon JC) > Cheongwon ~ Sangju Expressway > Munui IC > Cheongnamdae Ticket Office(30 minutes required)
- Cheongju Downtown > Cheongnamdae Ticket Office > by car : About 20 minutes required / Intracity Bus (number 311) : operated at the intervals of 20 minutes
Group Visitors Using Tourist Buses
Group visitors to Cheongnamdae
- 1. Arrive at the Cheongnamdae’s First Gate on your tourist buses (Number of the visitors are checked),
- 2. Arrive at the Cheongnamdae’s Second Gate and purchase admission tickets,
- 3. Enter Cheongnamdae (after parking the car)
- Fifteen minutes (12 ㎞) is required from Munui IC to the parking lot of Cheongnamdae.